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1. Helping you expand your business

YourCarChoice has an established reputation for exceeding clients expectations and delivering in circumstances when other companies could not.

A company who are already fully committed to another lender

For any business looking to grow and expand it’s important to have the financial capability to do so. Your Car Choice’s wide range of top UK finance houses are able to source the funds you need to grow your companies fleet.

See below how Your Car Choice helped secure an extra lease vehicle for a company that was fully committed to another lender.


The customer; An Information Systems Provider with a fleet of 3 company cars and 5 commercial vehicles.


The problem; The customer already has a number of vans on finance lease and their company cars are on a traditional lease (business contract hire) agreement. All with the same finance house. They are growing and have employed a new sales representative and 3 technicians. They now require a new company car and 3 vans. However, they have already exhausted their credit line with the existing finance provider. This is also referred to as being “fully committed to a lender” or the finance company being “overexposed“.


The solution; Firstly Your Car Choice will take into consideration the current funders the customer has lines of credit with. We will then discuss the financial situation of the business. From the information gathered we will be able to make an informed decision as to which are the best financial products. Then we can approach the best finance houses to obtain the credit/finance lines.

Your Car Choice works with a wide range of top UK finance houses. This enables us to source the best options. Once we’ve got a credit line in place we can use our superior fleet discount to purchase the necessary vehicles at the right price.


Ongoing relationship; From the initial enquiry all the way through to delivery and aftercare Your Car Choice keeps the customer informed and up-to-date throughout. We provide the customer with a dedicated account manager who’s the customers point of contact for any queries going forward. Your Car Choice will also send helpful reminders about key points within their contract, such as renewal dates etc.

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